Considering that impression management relies
Considering that impression management relies

considering that impression management relies

Research on impression management can be found in personality assessment (social personality assessment, Helmes et al., 2014), in the context of job application processes ( Kristof-Brown et al., 2002 Levashina and Campion, 2006, 2007 Roulin and Bourdage, 2017), self-presentation in social media ( Rui and Stefanone, 2013 Picone, 2015 Popescu, 2019), participation in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs, Becker-Lindenthal, 2015), or with addictive behaviors of adolescents ( Callaghan and Doyle, 2001) as well as in organizational research ( Gardner and Cleavenger, 1998 Bolino and Turnley, 1999 Bolino et al., 2014 Rehman Khan and Javed, 2018). In recent years, impression management has gained attention in numerous fields. These findings raise the question of what types of impression management can be deemed functional with respect to academic success.

considering that impression management relies

Furthermore, students with higher scores on the presented and appearing self also scored higher on most dimensions of the Impression Management scale than their peers who cared less about their teacher’s perception. The results indicated that a correlative five-dimensional factor structure fit the data best. Construct validity and criterion validity were tested in a sample consisting of 201 Austrian high school students. Its development was based on work on school-specific coping strategies. Owing to a lack of empirical studies on students’ impression management at class, we primarily pursued the basic aim of designing an instrument for analyzing deliberate student tactics of self-presentation. Impression management is defined as an individual’s active effort to present the self in a certain, usually positive way. This paper addresses an issue that has largely been neglected in educational research so far: students’ impression management. 4Department of General Education, Institute of Education, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.3Head of Institution, St.Gallen University of Teacher Education, St.Gallen, Switzerland.2Institute of ICT and Media, St.Gallen University of Teacher Education, St.Gallen, Switzerland.1Institute of Secondary Level II - Grammar School Education, Lucerne University of Teacher Education, Lucerne, Switzerland.Sarah Forster-Heinzer 1, Arvid Nagel 2 *, Horst Biedermann 3 and Roland Reichenbach 4

Considering that impression management relies